Aug 26, 2022
Like many of us - Kevin Bjorklund had moments in his life where regardless of how many people gave him positive feedback, he felt like he had nothing of value. These moments created a sense of hopelessness.
Have you had moments like that? Kevin is going to show us today how to recognize and identify those feelings and overcome them.
Kevin's background is in film production. For the past ten years, Kevin studied the great leaders on personal development and success which ultimately lead him to a coaching program with Robert Proctor who is part of a legacy of leaders in this space of personal development, success, and mindset.
After being coached by him, Kevin became a consultant of the Proctor Gallagher Institute and has dedicated himself to helping people live a life of purpose, mastering their mindset, and tapping into their full potential.
Kevin shares how the power of the mind and what limits are placed on people through their mindset. He shows us how to alter old limiting beliefs to become leverage for a breakthrough.
During his interview, Kevin answers many of the questions you may have on how to live a life of confidence and success, the importance of goals, and gaining a new perspective: